Anisotropic Bonded Magnets

Anisotropic bonded magnets are referring in particular to the rare earth type, and it was were long regarded as an option to fill the magnetic performance gap between commercialized bonded magnets (12MOGe) and sintered Neodymium magnets (35MOGe). Anisotropic magnets must apply orientation field during the manufacturing process which unlike the isotropic bonded magnets, the majority of magnetic powder will be aligned in the specific direction to exhibit maximum output. This kind of bonded magnets can be also classified to anisotropic injection molded magnets and anisotropic compression molded magnets according the molding technology. Besides molding technology, it also can be divided to anisotropic NdFeB magnets, anisotropic SmFeN magnets, and anisotropic hybrid magnets based on the composition of magnetic powder. Anisotropic magnetic powder, molding technology, and orientation technology is all core barriers to the anisotropic magnets.

Anisotropic Bonded Magnets